The 1983 micro laptop with screen

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 Price : ¥ 2200 (1983)
The X-07r is a version of the X-07 with 16kb or ram (only known as japanese version).

 X-710 printer

 X-711 printer
Screen interface : X-720See video device: X-720

Cable to tape reader or sound card : XC-910
Extension memory : XE-7047 from EMR
Memory extension card XM-101 : 8koWatch RAM : CANON XM-101

ProgramsLogi'stick Tape : CALC

 2048 program
 Technical guide - thank you Speleo from Silicium forum

Programmation for beginners
Reference manual BASIC
User's guide

 Download in english (users guide)
Games and programs

 Assembling programming with the X-07

Basic reference Card


 Test of Canon X-07 in n°4 "Votre Ordinateur" magazine March April 1984 (French) - A beautiful shot from Canon

 Ma petite Canon X-07 - edited in the bulletin de l'Epi n°57 in Mars 1990 - Association Enseignement Public et Informatique - By Jean-Claude CHATILLON
18 - 40 programs for X-07


 Thanks Bernouilli92
Far away with Canon X-07
 Author : Michel Gantier - Tricks and programs for the Canon X-07

Place your bets with Canon X-07 - Philippe IFRAH



 To transfer the ascii programs provided by to the X-07 use Marcus utilities and the following syntax :

 bas702.exe -w file.txt file.wav

 Then, you vave to read the wav file with an audio file reader like audacity and plug the ear output of the pc to the X-07.

 To plug, use the Canon XC-910 cable.

 Download marcus's tools